
Showing posts from September, 2018

Sending Gifts Through Reliable Parcel Delivery in Singapore & Other Ways to Get Back in Touch with Loved Ones

Since nobody wants to be regarded, stereotyped and typecast as miserable cretins, pathetic losers and unapologetic underachievers who will never reach the peak of success and the zenith of their potentials because they always fall short and fail miserably in everything that they do, it goes without saying that people from all walks of life need to strive for perfection in their chosen careers. Although the best things in life are free like a beautiful sunset by the beach, the gleeful laughter of innocent children without a care in the world as well as the billions of stars twinkling in the night sky, the sad reality is that everything comes with an exorbitant price tag. With that said, everybody needs to pull their own weight, make their bones and prove their worth in their respective professions so that they can steadily climb to the top of the corporate totem pole and enjoy the rewards of their hard work. While it is true that their accomplishments, accolades and awards in the

Transforming the Golden Years into a Blissful and Cherished Memory

They say that hindsight is 20/20 because time opens up our eyes and our hearts to the bittersweet truths and hard facts in this world and bearing that in mind, I must say that my parents are my superheroes because they never gave up on me and they provided everything that I need and so much more to get where I am today. I was far from the perfect child because I was impulsive, petulant, stubborn and defiant but instead of throwing me out to the wolves and washing their hands clean after getting rid of the prodigal son, they remained patient, forgiving and unbowed in their grim determination to shower me with the tender love and care that I need to see the folly of my ways and change my life for the better before everything is too late. Even when I got into a terrible incident that left me maimed and broken not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well with nothing but rehab equipment in Singapore keeping me from collapsing into a heap of heated mess, they were the wind bene

Springing for Air Conditioning Services and Avoiding the Sweltering Hot Weather Conditions

Some people look forward to a white and frigid winter because they love to engage in different kinds of activities like building snowmen with their friends, throwing snowballs at each other, skiing down the frozen slopes of the mountain or sipping hot cocoa in front of the fireplace after a day of fun and excitement. There are also those who enjoy rainy days because they stay positive instead of sulking and scowling like a scolded and petulant child for they can dance in the rain or stay inside all day long as they catch up on their reading, update their journals and be alone with their thoughts due to the fact that they have the perfect excuse to stay away from other folks. But as for me and my whole crew, the best part of the year is the summer season because it is the perfect time to take a few days off from work, enjoy our vacation and forget all of our worries and concerns even for just a little while. We love to head straight to the beach and have the time of our life as we